July 17, 2012

Dr. Z

Ask Dr. Z

"The Doctor of the Future will give No Medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the Human Frame, in Diet, and in the Cause and Prevention of Disease."
Thomas A. Edison


Today's Topic:

Homeopathy in Healthcare

Swiss Government Report
vindicates effectiveness of Homeopathic Medicine.

Homeopathy in Healthcare

  • The most comprehensive evaluation of Homeopathic Medicine ever written by a government

  • Just published in book form in English by Springer (Bornhoft and Matthiessen, 2011).

  • Six out of seven controlled studies that compared homeopathic treatment with conventional medical treatment showed that homeopathy to be more effective than conventional medical interventions

  • No Side Effects

  • Very Cost-Effective

  • Which homeopathic remedies to keep in your medicine cabinet - - At All Times


Quotes for your life:

"I am a part of all that I have met."
Alfred Lord Tennyson

"A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure."        
Lee Segall

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop."        
Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

"Believe those who are seeking the truth.  Doubt those who find it."        
Andre Gide

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Homeopathy - What is it?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine whose fundamental principle is the law of similars—that like is cured by like. It was first given practical application by Samuel Hahnemann of Leipzig, Germany, in the early 19th century and was designated homeopathy to distinguish it from the established school of medicine which he called allopathy. The American Institute of Homeopathy was founded in 1844, and the practice of homeopathy was popularized in the United States by the physician and senator Royal S. Copeland (1868–1938).

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Ed., 1993: Homeopathy is "a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease".

Miranda Castro R.S. Hom., author of The Complete Homeopathic Handbook, 1990: "The Similum or Law of Similars: This basic law of homeopathy is similia similibus currentur: 'let likes be cured with like'. Based on this premise, the first homeopathic principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure you - anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person. By 'symptom' the homeopath means those changes that are felt by the patient (subjective) or observed (objective), which may be associated with a particular disease, or state of dis-ease, and which are the outward expression of that state".

Stephen Cummings, M.D. and Dana Ullman, M.P.H., authors of Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, 1991: "Homeopathy is a 200-year-old medical system you can use at home to help treat family members with a wide spectrum of acute health problems. It offers a way to gently stimulate your inner healing resources through recognizing and reinforcing the adaptive reaction's of the body's natural defenses. By choosing the correct, individually suited homeopathic medicine from the plant, mineral, animal, or chemical kingdom, you can successfully stimulate the body's own defenses...you can complement your family's efforts toward good health with these safe, natural medicines that provide an effective, inexpensive alternative to conventional medicine"

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Swiss Government Report Vindicates Homeopathic Medicine

The following are excerpts from Dana Ullman's article:

The Swiss Government's Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine

Beginning of Quotes:(bolds and colors added by Dr. Z)

"The Swiss government has a long and widely-respected history of neutrality, and therefore, reports from this government on controversial subjects need to be taken more seriously than other reports from countries that are more strongly influenced by present economic and political constituencies....

...In late 2011, the Swiss government's report on homeopathic medicine represents the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever written by a government and was just published in book form in English (Bornhoft and Matthiessen, 2011). This breakthrough report affirmed that homeopathic treatment is both effective and cost-effective...

...The Swiss report found a particularly strong body of evidence to support the homeopathic treatment of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Respiratory Allergies...

...Further, six out of seven controlled studies that compared homeopathic treatment with conventional medical treatment showed that homeopathy to be more effective than conventional medical interventions (the one other trial found homeopathic treatment to be equivalent to conventional medical treatment)....

...All of these results from homeopathic treatment came without the side effects common to conventional drug treatment. In evaluating only the randomized placebo controlled trials, 12 out of 16 studies showed a positive result in favor of homeopathy."

End of Quotes

Review Dana Ullman's complete article

You can also purchase this great book at Amazon:

Homeopathy in Healthcare: Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs

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German Sanum/PleoSanum Homeopathy- My clinical experience

For more than 20 years I have used Sanum/PleoSanum homeopathic/isopathic remedies from Germany have been part of my clinical practice. I love these remedies.

  • They often work wonders.

  • Do I claim I fully understand how they work? NO

  • Do I subscribe to the oath: First, Do No Harm...YES

  • During all these years, I have not seen one single adverse reaction.

  • This cannot be said about our many very toxic pharmaceutical medications.

Here is just one person's report:
(bolds and colors added by Dr. Z)

"Dear Dr. Zeischegg,

I have had gum problems for the*** last 20 years. I happened to come across two articles by Dr. Thomas Rau/Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland and ordered the products recommended.

After two weeks of the remedies (Pleo Art A drops and Pleo Leptu capsules), you kindly forwarded to me, the pockets around my teeth have vanished.

I am finding it amazing that the dental medical profession is ignorant about candida infections that many of their patients have. I have also been taking Co Q10 as Q-Best 100 supplements together with Krill Oil capsules to boost my energy.

I am very grateful for your support and will send people your way to get the professional recommendations they need to stay healthy."


Marlene C., Emerald Hills, CA"

Please review the list of Sanum/PleoSanum remedies I use frequently in my practice - with their German and American names

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Sanum/PleoSanum clinically useful homeopathic remedies for your medicine cabinet

1. Pleo-Quent

German practitioners report that Pleo-Quent, known in Germany as Quentakehl, useful to alleviate the symptomatic effects of acute and latent viral infections.

Useful as supportive therapy to help reduce the symptomatic effects of acute and latent viral infections such as

  • laryngitis
  • bronchitis
  • sinusitis
  • flu-type infections
  • ear infections
  • fibromyalgia
  • migraines
  • vertigo
  • Menière's Disease
  • Herpes Zoster
  • mumps
  • measles
  • chicken-pox

Great for sick kids, especially as drops.

European reports also indicate that Pleo™ Quent has been sucessfully used as supportive therapy for Multiple Sclerosis.


2. Pleo-Not

Pleo Not, known in Germany as Notakehl 4X, homeopathic remedy by Sanum for the relief of coughs, fever and congestion due to colds and minor respiratory infections, primarily of bacterial origin.

Useful for

  • staph
  • strep
  • Lyme Disease
  • acne
  • ear infections
  • tonsil infections
  • sore throat
  • neuritis
  • neuralgia
  • urinary tract infections
  • prostate irritation
  • respiratory infections
  • neuropathy

Great for sick children, especially as drops.

3. Pleo-Oku

Pleo Oko, 2X drops, is known in Germany as Okubasan. Pleo Oku 2X is a homeopathic antidiarrhea remedy.

Pleo Oku, as a homeopathic preparation of Okoubaka aubrevillei, can be useful as supportive therapy for

  • acute diarrhea, especially after food poisoning
  • infections of the gastro-intestinal tract
  • food sensitivities/allergies
  • prophylactic for change of nutrition and climate
  • during a detoxification therapy
  • for the elimination of metabolic waste product

4. Pleo Muc Eye Drops

Pleo Muc Eye Drops are known in Germany as Mucokehl Eye drops. European practitioners report that this remedy is useful for

  • dry eyes
  • glaucoma
  • cataracts
  • conjunctivitis
  • macular degeneration

and help support normal eye function by improving micro-circulation inside the eye.

5. QC-Nasal Spray by Thorne Research

QC Nasal Spray (homeopathic remedy, by Thorne, with Quercetin Chalcone 2x and Euphorbium 3x) may help relieve the

  • sneezing
  • stuffy nose
  • nasal irritation
  • watery discharge
  • headache

caused by seasonal allergies. This unique homeopathic medicine goes right where your body needs it - the nasal mucosa.

It is useful for temporary relief of

  • allergic rhinitis
  • inhalant allergies and all the related symptoms.
  • Quercetin blocks histamine release.


There is a lot more!!

Please review the complete list of Sanum/PleoSanum remedies I use frequently in my practice - with their German and American names

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In order to get a sense of our clinical work, please review some of our client comments.

I wish you well.

Thank you again for your interest and support.

Dr. Z

Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist



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© Copyright Dr. Peter Zeischegg MS, DC, DACNB, 2012. All Rights Reserved.