September 7, 2012
Dr. Z

Ask Dr. Z

"The doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the Human Frame, in Diet, and in the Cause and Prevention of Disease."
Thomas A. Edison

As Thomas Edison implied, illness is NOT due to a Deficiency in Medications.

You might find that idea food for thought. Please share it with your friends and family.


Today's Topic:

Antibiotics and Depression

Antibiotics and Candida - Unexplained Symptoms

Antibiotics and Breast Cancer

How YOU Can/Must Get Out Of the Vicious Cycle

Antibiotics and Depression


Antibiotics and

  • Awful Side Effects
  • Unexplained Symptoms
  • Depression
  • Candida Overgrowth
  • Candida Symptoms
  • Breast Cancer
    .......and more




Quotes for your life:

"Chaos demands to be recognized and experienced before letting itself be converted into a new order."
Herman Hesse

"To see what is right, and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle."

"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment." Barry LePatner

"Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day."
Jim Rohn

"You have to stop in order to change direction."
Erich Fromm

I get letters

Recently I received the following e-mail from a desperate mother:

"We first noticed that she was "different" when she was about 7 years old.  She developed insomnia and used to sit outside her bedroom in the hallway crying at night.  We would wake up in the middle of the night to hear her crying.

She was always very smart, did very well in school, and seemed like a happy normal child in every other way.  Then when she started at in her sophomore year, she attempted an overdose and that was the beginning.  We are very close and I am constantly trying to find ways to help her. I just can't give up because at times, I think she is ready to give up.   She is graduating from .. next month with a perfect 4.0 even though she suffers from severe depression

If you met her today, she would fool you. She is beautiful, looks extremely healthy, very articulate and poised, etc.  but she suffers in silence and, as a parent, it is heartbreaking to watch.  She doesn't ever feel that she will live a normal healthy life or be able to maintain a relationship or have children, etc.  I've tried many supplements like Sam-E, Vit B Complex, Fish Oil, Flax Oil, L-Carnitine, etc. and nothing seems to work.

She takes antibiotics due to chronic bladder infections. She has been getting bladder infections for the past ten years off and on.

She always keeps the antibiotics (Levaquin) and the pain meds with her.

I think she has interstitial cystitis based on her symptoms, however, she has never been diagnosed with that." 

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Candida - Antibiotics - Depression - "Unexplained" Symptoms

What a sad letter! What a terrible situation!

Here are some points that jump right to my attention:

  • 10 years of chronic bladder infections?
  • 10 years of repeated antibiotic use?

Here are a few side effects of Levaquin, as listed by - a terrible list:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Yeast infections
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vaginal irritation or infection

  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) in people with diabetes
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, or any other unusual changes in thoughts or behavior
  • ....The list goes on and on

The fact that this young woman has used antibiotics for recurring "bladder infections" for 10 years or more may indicate that maybe these are not bacterial infections at all or that the antibiotics don't work.

I wonder how she gets her prescriptions refilled.

I recently examined a young woman in my office who had been on antibiotics for acne for several years. When I indicated that in my humble opinion this was not such a good idea - she got very upset.

Guess how she is getting her antibiotics refilled...a simple call to her MD's office, month after month, year after year.

No blood tests, no liver tests ever performed - even though it states clearly in the product leaflet - only designed for short term use, may cause liver damage, digestive disturbances, the list goes on and on.

  • You wonder why we are a very sick society?
  • Much of our sickness is doctor induced.
  • Much of it has to do with our sedentary life style, our diet, ....

Many people look for the "magic pill", rather than look at themselves, their life style, their diet, their...

Pharmaceutical companies are only too happy to suggest that magic pills do exist, and sell you all you want. The more the better.

No life style changes required!

Many MD's seem to agree. It is so easy to write a prescription!

  • You're depressed? Here is the antidepressant!
  • High blood pressure? Easy! Here is your blood pressure pill.
  • Acne? Here is your antibiotic of choice.

Side effects? Oh well - there are not really any, except your liver may fall out, you may become violent or suicidal, in "rare" cases you may die....but the "positive" effects far outweigh any possible negative side effects.

The problem - nobody gets "truly" well. You may have to take this stuff forever. And you may develop new and sometimes serious problems, that require further medication.

What a truly great system for stock holders and bottom line profits.

I do perceive a change, however. It appears that recently more drug companies are being held accountable for sloppy and possibly biased "research", and for endangering the population with some of these wonder drugs.

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Antibiotics linked to Breast Cancer

- maybe it should say: Candida Overgrowth linked to Breast Cancer? -

A research study described on CNN on February 17, 2004, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, states that women who took common antibiotics were twice as likely to develop breast cancer as women who took no antibiotics.

To quote from CNN: (bolds added by Dr. Z)

"It's as strong as any of the risk factors that we know," said Dr. Roberta Ness of the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, who is author of an editorial accompanying the study.

"To put it into perspective, the risk for developing breast cancer from hormone replacement use is about a 30 [percent] to 40 percent increase in risk. And here we're talking about a doubling in risk of those women who are using chronic antibiotics."

Why antibiotics may possibly increase breast cancer risk is still a mystery, researchers said. The conditions that necessitated the antibiotics in the first place may have put the women at higher risk. Or, researchers said, the women in the study who had never taken antibiotics might have been generally healthier overall.

Another theory suggested in the study involves the way antibiotics affect bacteria in the intestine, which may disable possible cancer-fighting properties of some foods. Other explanations involve the effect of antibiotics on the body's immune system.

The research is not the first to show an association between antibiotics and a higher risk of breast cancer, the second most deadly cancer in women. In 1999, a Finnish study of almost 10,000 women found similar results.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the overuse of antibiotics has exploded in the past 10 years, with the public mistakenly taking the medicine for colds, flu and coughs. These types of illnesses are caused by viruses and cannot be helped with antibiotics, which fight bacterial infections.

End of quote.

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How to Begin

  • proper foods high in proteins
  • reduce carbohydrate intake, especially grains, sugar and alcohol
  • good digestive function
  • adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals
  • avoid "diet" foods and drinks at all cost
  • don't smoke
  • breathe deeply
  • drink pure non-chlorine water
  • move, walk, exercise
  • keep your brain interested and engaged


Your First Step towards a Healthier Life

Our on-line Self Evaluation is geared towards giving you a basic starting point in order to make some intelligent changes in diet and improve some basic human functions such as digestion, blood sugar control.

If you have ever taken antibiotics, yesterday or 30 years ago - the chances are high that you may suffer the consequences of bowel flora imbalance and candida overgrowth.

  • It is my clinical experience that this approach is always useful.
  • This does not mean that it will or can solve all your problems.

However, the majority of my local and on-line clients experience dramatic improvements in their health, when they address
DDHC - Diet, Digestion, Hypoglycemia/Blood Sugar, Candida

Dr. Z's Self Evaluation

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Clinically useful Homeopathics/Supplements

Help for colds and flu's

The following three items have been extremely useful in my clinical practice for young and older patients to support their immune function and bring relief with bacterial and viral infections, and support immune function in general:

Myco Immune

Mushrooms have been used in Chinese and Japanese cultures as food and medicine for thousands of years.....

Myco-Immune may be useful as supportive therapy for conditions such as

  • bacterial infections
  • viral infections
  • canker sores
  • mononucleosis
  • Epstein-Barr Barr
  • canker sores
  • influenza

Pleo Not Drops

German Homeopathic remedy by Sanum for the temporary relief of coughs, fever and congestion due to colds and minor respiratory infections.

European practitioners report that Pleo™ Not is very useful as a homeopathic aid to help support the immune system function, and as supportive therapy for infections of bacterial origin and inflammations such

  • staph
  • strep
  • acne
  • ear infections
  • tonsil infections
  • sore throat
  • neuritis, neuralgia
  • urinary tract infections
  • prostate irritation
  • respiratory infections

Great for sick children.

Pleo Quent Drops

German Homeopathic decongestant remedy by SANUM for the temporary relief of congestion due to colds and minor respiratory infections.

German practitioners report that Pleo™ Quent is useful as supportive therapy for acute and latent viral infections such as

  • laryngitis
  • bronchitis
  • sinusitis
  • flue-type infections
  • ear infections
  • migraines
  • Herpes Zoster
  • mumps
  • canker sores
  • measles
  • chickenpox

European reports also indicate that Pleo™ Quent has been successfully used as supportive therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

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Mediclear Plus is useful as supportive nutritional therapy for

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MediClear Plus provides macronutrient and micronutrient elements necessary for elimination/detoxification support in a pleasant-tasting drink. MediClear Plus powder is made into a pleasant-tasting beverage by adding 8-10 oz. pure water.

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What Dr. Z's clients say .


I wish you well.

Thank you again for your interest and support.

Dr. Z

Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist


Order Desk: (866) 453-2021, ext. 1  
Consultations: (866) 453-2021, ext. 2  
Fax: (866) 333-7536  


Visit our web site.

ODDHC - Oxygen Enriched Air, Diet, Digestion, Hypoglycemia/Blood Sugar, Candida

© Copyright Dr. Peter Zeischegg MS, DC, DACNB, 2012. All Rights Reserved.