Pain Neutralization Technique


Practitioners' Testimonials

from Dr. Kaufman’s Seminars

"I'm a third-year medical student. I watched Dr. Kaufman treat upwards of 50 M.D.'s at the ACAM conference.  Immediately after your treatment, each doctor said they felt at least 75 to 80% better, and many of them admitted to close to 100% improvement.  The next day, I was able to ask 12 of them and ask how they were doing since the treatment the day before.  11 of 12 told me they felt much better or amazingly better.  One of the doctors who felt very well said that he had already used the technique to treat his sister that evening and was very gratified with the results." Gerard Pesca, Phoenix, Arizona

“Dr. Kaufman relieved my post-surgical pain in right lower quadrant. I had hernia surgery in December of 2001 and since then a nagging pain. It took him about 15-30 seconds to absolutely eradicate it.Bohdan A. Lebedowicz, M.D., internal medicine, Mt Vernon, IL 
“The day after my treatment, my back and sciatic pain disappeared completely for first time in years!” Joseph Rich, M.D., board of directors, A.C.A.M. Knoxville, TN

“I have endured chronic neck and shoulder pain since 19 years of age, when I chipped a bone in neck at C-5. I feel relief for first time in 15 years (after P.N.T.) This is amazing, amazing, amazing.” Rhonda King, Ft Worth, TX

"My own experience, besides watching the amazing results in others, was that I obtained immediate relief from chronic recurring neck and back pain. It has not returned to this point, 3 days later. Steve Kaufman is a creative genius and genuine healer!" Hyla Cass M.D., board of directors, A.C.A.M., author of Supplement Your Prescription and Natural Highs Pacific Palisades CA

“This morning, twelve hours after treatment, my arm was pain free for the first time in 2 years. I did not even think about my arm until I was pulling my suitcase this a.m. as I was asked ‘how is your arm?’ It was then that I realized that I was pulling the suitcase with a normal, pain free arm. It’s perfect, for the first time in 2 years!” Gary Klingsberg, D.O., Englewood, NJ

“I have had abdominal pain on and off around the gall bladder since 1991. In just a few minutes Dr. Kaufman reduced my pain dramatically from a constant pain and tightness to neutrality. It's quite impressive.” William Duncan, PhD, advisor to Board of Directors, American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology.

“I had 3 whiplashes and decreased ROM in my neck even after much chiropractic treatment. Immediately after Dr. Kaufman’s Tx I had increased ROM and felt more relaxed. Wow!! ” Terri Su, M.D., Sebastopol, CA

“I’ve been suffering head, neck, and shoulder pain- there was pretty amazing relief after this treatment.” Alexandre de Luca, Optometrist, Sao Paulo, Brazil

I had an amazing, instantaneous release of infraspinatus trigger points that have never been without pain. I've had 10 neck injuries, 40 years of neck pain and degenerated CS6 disc. Treatment has resulted in immediate relaxation.” Kenneth A Wolkoff, M.D., Park City, UT

“I had chronic neck pain for 30 years due to chronic Lyme disease. Dr. Kaufman did a demonstration on me on my right side, feels so loose now, in +/- 1-2 minutes. Unbelievable! This is amazing work!” Martine Calache, Union City, NJ

“After treatment (with P.N.T.) I was able to breathe much more easily and completely.” Alan Dumoff, attorney for A.C.A.M., Gaithersburg, MD

 “I had pain in the right lumbrosacral area for years. I felt immediate relief after P.N.T.” Michael B. Schachter, M.D., Airmont, NY

 “I had a chronic iliopsoas syndrome from previous abdominal surgery with chronic abdominal pain in right upper and lower abdominal area. It was relieved in one treatment (with P.N.T.)!” James A. Novak, M.D., San Diego, CA

“My cervical ROM expanded (after P.N.T.) I experienced a profound sense of relaxation and balance after the treatment. The next day I was remarkably better. My neck now moves fluidly. I usually wake up with a stiff and sore neck (for the past 5 years). Not today!" Beth McDougall, M.D., Mill Valley, CA

“Obviously, you were a great success at ACAM. I couldn’t even get in through the door at your evening session. The audience loved you, and that's what's important.” Terry Chappell, M.D., Bluffton, OH, president, International College of Integrative Medicine, past president American College for Advancement in Medicine, Bluffton, Ohio

“I've had calf achiness bilaterally for 20 years. After using P.N.T.  my left calf trigger point tenderness released a lot of tenderness. Dr. Kaufman treated my left calf and hamstring. He found a tender trigger point on front of my leg. After treating it, the calf seems to feel better on re-palpation! Thank you!” Dr. Fred Hui, M.D., past President, Acupuncture Foundation of Canada, Toronto, Canada

“I had a  severe neck injury 10 years ago and re injured with whiplash months ago. Recently I've had bad rhomboid cramping. After P.N.T.: I have no pain!Helen Watt, M.D., Cave Creek, AZ

I fell out of the back of a station wagon 35 years ago on my tailbone. I fell onto a shoe 20 years ago. I've had pain daily, sitting. I no longer have pain after P.N.T.” Linda Reed, Tucson, AZ

“I'm 75 years-old, I've had  longstanding pain in my posterior neck and arm. I had prompt relief with (P.N.T.)!”  Warren Levin, M.D., Vienna, VA

“I've had a neck problem for more than 10 years. After P.N.T. the tender point was gone in a second. It was fantastic!” Nalinee Sutthipisal, M.D., dermatologist, Bangkok, Thailand
P.N.T. relieved my migraine by 80% in minutes. All nausea was gone after  the treatment. Thank you.” Varsha Rathod, M.D., rheumatologist, St Louis, MO.

“I've had cervical pain for 10 years. Dr. Kaufman palpated the correct area in my neck and in 6 seconds the pain was 60% better. I felt the pain relief down into the shoulder as well. I have not had relief from any other techniques. Wow, this is great!!Debra Muth, N.D., N.P., Palmyra, WI

“I've had pain in the neck for at least 1 year. I had an automobile accident 2 months ago and since then I've had pain across base of skull. Pain radiated to trapezius area and supraspinatus and SCM. The pain decreased a lot after P.N.T.! I owe you one!!” Neil Rosen, M.D., Shrewsbury, NJ

“Dr. Kaufman relieved my post-surgical left inguinal hernia pain. I’ve had a nagging constant chronic pain for 5 years. It took him 15 seconds to resolve it.” Patrick Whitaker, D.C., Belvidere, FL

“Thanks for a great Boot Camp last week-end.  I’ve worked with the material all week.  I was the one who was constantly saying "Amazing". It was incredible.  Necks, low back, legs, heels, fingers.  Wow!  I really had a lot more fun in the office this week.
A 71 year old male fell and severely injured his little finger. He tore the tendon. A surgical repair was suggested. When he came in for treatment, he could not bend his finger at all. Using PNT protocols, he could bend his finger most of the way after treatment. After  a few treatments he had full use of his little finger. He decided not to do the surgical repair.
A 58 year old male injured his wrist working on his car.  Three months after that, he still had pain and swelling. 6 months after his injury, his wife brought him in to see me.  After the first visit he said his wrist was almost all better.  And then he said, "That's amazing".  As he left the waiting room, he stopped and told my next patient about his ‘miracle’. ” Eleanor Devinney, D.C. Denver, CO.

 “I’ve had left sided sacral segment pain off and mostly on for years, that was virtually removed using PNT.  Dr. Kaufman also quickly relieved my left hip pain of 55 years.” Dr. Timothy Binder, DC, N.D., L.Ac. Hamilton, MT

"Dr. Kaufman’s techniques are amazing! I had chronic lumbar pain for 15 years, due to L5 disc thinning and erosion. I needed constant and frequent adjustments. After treatment, my pain has gone and my flexibility is greatly improved! Also for the past 10 years I had chronic pain and limited rotation in the cervical area, and numbness in my right arm. At the seminar, Dr. Kaufman restored almost full cervical rotation and eliminated the numbness in my arm.” Sorina Durante, CMT, CLT, Lakewood, NJ.

 “As soon as Dr. Kaufman started the thoracic duct stimulation, the pain in my mid-thoracic area diminished. Since getting the PNT DVDs last year, I have been able to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome in myself and a number of patient. A very high percentage of painful S.I.s go away right away.” Patricia Salvitti, DC, Media, PA 

“I had a patient who’d been unable to eat solid food for years- she could only eat liquids. She’d lost a lot of weight. She’d been to every doctor imaginable. She owned a Mexican restaurant. I treated her with PNT and Manual Spinal Nerve Blocks. She was able to eat again after several weeks of treatment-in fact, she ate barbecue!” Terry Williams, D.C. Ft. Lupton, CO.

“I'm 49 years old and have had jaw pain for as long as I can remember. After treatment the pain almost immediately went away. It's so wonderful to be pain-free! It’s amazing! 2 week follow up- the improvement has lasted!” Jane Halverson, DePere, WI.

"I suffered severe neck pain. I had fusion surgery from C4 to C6 in 2003. The pain returned several months ago and I was very frustrated. I had Pain Neutralization Technique performed by Helen Law, L.Ac., after which the pain went away and the range of motion was almost fully restored. I have not been able to move my neck so freely for many years. On a follow up visit most of the pain was gone except slight soreness in the right scapular area. The neck was great. After treatment all pain was gone." Mitchell Fuhrman, M.D. (Cardiologist)

“I've had pain in the right shoulder for 2 years, pain that radiated down to my arm. The treatment restored my range of motion without any pain. 2 days before the seminar, I injured my lower back during my morning exercise routine. I could not bend forward or sit. After treatment I am pain free!” Helen Law, LAc., Princeton, NJ.

"Today I witnessed seminar participants’ chronic pains just disappear. I also personally experienced my own discomforts improve and totally relieved in just minutes. These techniques will be highly sought after to reduce dependency on pharmaceutical intervention and give back life to patients.” Jeffrey S. Fedorko, DC, board member, Foundation for Chiropractic Research, Canton, OH., president, Congress of Chiropractic State Associations
“I've utilized P.N.T. for about a year now and truly this is an amazing technique light years ahead of its time. One patient was at death’s door with chronic low back pain and bedridden for years. After a small number of PNT sessions his chronic pain disappeared and he was back to activities of daily living. Family commented that he cheated death again.” Joey Alcantara, D.C., Calgary, Alberta

"After only a week of applying the techniques, I have consistently heard from patients a litany of responses such as "amazing", "incredible", and "unbelievable". The "frozen shoulder" technique alone has been worth the price of admission." Frederick Mindel, D.C., New York City, N.Y.

“I was on the phone with a customer service rep in Mumbai, India. This woman somehow mentioned that she had terrible heel pain. I asked her if she had a moment when I could walk her through a self treatment to rid her of pain. I had her do a PNT technique on herself. "Oh my gosh, it's gone",  she said. This cutie seemed to be calling over everyone in her department and jumping around on it till I told her to rest it and let it heal”.  Valentina Lert, D.C. Telluride, CO.

“I would feel guilty if I didn’t let you know that since being treated at the June seminar for my vertigo, the improvement is almost complete. Of course, my patients respond well also -thank you!” Guildor Poitras, D.C., New Brunswick, Canada

"Besides seeing the amazing results in others, I obtained relief from chronic neck and back pain right away. It's not returned, weeks later." Hyla Cass M.D., author of Supplement Your Prescription and Natural Highs. Board of directors, American College for Advancement in Medicine. Pacific Palisades, CA.

“I had pain in the right lumbrosacral area for years. It disappeared after treatment." Michael B. Schachter, M.D., author of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Depression" and "The Natural Way to a Healthy Prostate." Airmont, N.Y.

"For 40 years I've barely been able to move my shoulder. It's dislocated easily with even moderate movement, and always been accompanied by sharp pain. After PNT treatment it's now almost normal with full range of motion." Terry Hovey, D.C., Yachats, OR

“The day after my treatment, my back and sciatic pain disappeared for the first time in 5 years!” Joseph Rich, M.D., board of directors, American College for Advancement of Medicine, Knoxville, TN. 

“The techniques continue to be phenomenal, even after several years! They've made my treatments so much more effective and patients love the fact it's not painful. My only complaint is my patient volume has gotten out of hand due to referrals and I can't handle all the people that want to see me. I just got a much bigger office, hired an associate and two secretaries- my practice is exploding out of control!" Ken Andes, L.Ac, D.O.M Suffern, N.Y.


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The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© Peter M. Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB 2014